TORONTO — Psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in mushrooms and colloquially known as magic mushrooms, has been credited with helping people feel calmer, less stressed, or even relieved of anxiety and depression. Advocates are so convinced that they plan to file a federal court challenge next month, seeking to allow the drug’s compassionate use for terminally ill patients.
Meanwhile, “microdose mushrooms canada” stores are popping up across Canada — though they remain illegal. At one Toronto shop called Mush Luv, owner Bezo West says most of his clients are looking to microdose the drug for mental health reasons. “I’ve seen a lot of people undergoing psychotherapy and say they feel much better after a couple of microdoses,” he said.
Where to Microdose Mushrooms in Canada: What’s Allowed
Although larger doses of psychedelic drugs like LSD can cause hallucinations, microdosing involves taking small amounts of the substance to produce subtle changes in mood and consciousness. It’s often done with psilocybin mushrooms, but can also involve a low dose of other substances including ecstasy, LSD, or 1P-LSD.
But while many people swear microdosing is a game changer, experts aren’t sold. “Even if it turns out to be effective for some people, it’s probably mostly a placebo effect,” says clinical psychologist Dominique Morisano. She’s studied the effects of psilocybin and ketamine in a psychological setting, and says she can see potential for large doses of the drugs to help with anxiety, depression and existential distress among those nearing the end of life.